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How Aromi Lipstick is Created - A Peek Inside the Laboratory!

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Since we formulate and manufacture all of our own products, here is an overview on how we make our lipsticks!  The process of making our lipsticks is pretty interesting so we thought it would be fun to show how they are actually created.

Pouring Aromi Lipstick

The process of creating our lipsticks is a fun process!  First we mix up all the different waxes, oils, and colorants to create a homogenous mixture.  Next, we have to heat the batch to a specific temperature range in order to get it ready to be poured into the mold.  Once the batch is at the correct temperature, the mixture is poured into our lipstick molds.  

Aromi Lipstick in the Mold
Our lipstick molds are specifically designed to create a lipstick bullet that fits perfectly into our lipstick tubes.  The lipstick molds open up into rows which makes it easy to pop the lipstick bullets our of the molds.

Lipstick Bullets in a Lipstick Mold
Once the lipstick has had time to cool, the molds can be opened up so the lipstick bullets can be removed.    

Aromi Lipstick Bullets in Different Colors
This is what the lipstick bullets look like once they are removed from the mold.  They are now ready to be carefully placed into the actual lipstick tubes.  Once the lipsticks are in the tubes, a heat gun is used to slightly heat the lipstick bullets.  

Aromi Lipstick Packaging
Once the lipsticks are finished, they then need to be labeled and boxed.  This is an important step because cosmetics need to be properly labeled according to FDA rules.

Aromi Poppy Lipstick
Poppy lipstick is a warm red shade that has a luxurious, moisturizing formula!

Sassy lipstick is a semi-sheer brown with taupe undertones and is one of our most popular lipstick shades.  This shade can be worn anywhere because of the versatile tone of this shade.  This shade can be worn underneath of on top of any of the nude liquid lipstick shades for a bit of shine.

Aromi Liquid Lipstick, Lipstick, & Solid Perfume
Aromi orange tangerine matte liquid lipstickpoppy lipstick, and flirt solid perfume.  

Aromi nude lipstick(left), bordeaux lipstick, and jacqueminot lipstick!  Nude is a sheer beige shade that is great for those times when you want just bit of color when you don't want to look overdone.  Nude lipstick is the sister to our sassy lipstick!  Bordeaux lipstick is our popular maroon shade that can provide a berry-stained lip or a full maroon lip depending on how much is applied.  To get a berry-stained lip, gently dab the bordeaux lipstick on your lips.  Jacqueminot lipstick is a true red lipstick and is the perfect shade to achieve the "pin-up" look.

Hannah Follis our Cosmetic Chemist
This is our cosmetic chemist in our "color work" area in the lab.  This area is where we compound all of the different colors of our matte liquid lipstick, metallic liquid lipsticks, and our regular lipsticks.  We use a wide variety of micas, natural colorants, dyes, and other ingredients to achieve all of our different colors.  We really strive to offer a wide range of colors - everything from bright pink to emerald green lipstick!  We try offer lip colors for every skintone!  For each color group, we try to offer a wide variety of shades as well.  For instance, our nude liquid lipstick shade come a very wide color range from lighter nude shade to dark brown shades - see photo below.  If there is a color you'd like to see added to our line, we're always open to suggestions - feel free to leave a comment or contact us through our contact form.

Some of our "nude" liquid lipstick shades - Sepia brown, toasted almond, miss mauve, berry nude, desert taupe, caramel nude, terra cotta, and stella rosea.  

Here is another example of how we really try to offer shades for everyone.  The shades above are some of our purple shade -black cherry, vamptastic plum, forbidden fuchsia, pink peonies, pink periwinkle, and lavender fields.

How lipstick is made at the Aromi Laboratory
We hope you enjoyed this sneak peek inside our lab!  Please let us know if there are any questions.

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